Tuesday, July 26, 2011

4 Months Old!

Dear Elizabeth,

Another month has come and gone and I can't believe that you're already four months old. That's a third of the year! You'll be one year old before we know it. It seems like each month gets better and better! You are truly one of the happiest babies I know. Daddy and I have loved watching your personality grow and develop! Your smile brightens every day and with each day that passes we love you more and more! We can't wait to see what each new day has in store for you. We love you so much!

Mommy and Daddy

Weight: We'll get the latest stats August 10!

Length: We'll get the latest stats August 10!

Diaper size: Size 2

 Teeth: Your right "canine" tooth has broken through! It's not all the way in yet, but you can see the top of it. I think your other three canine teeth will be the next to come in, too. There are hard bumps where each of them should come in. Daddy and I were very surprised that the middle teeth on the bottom didn't come in first!

Clothes size: One piece outfits are 3-6 and 6 months, two piece outfits are still 0-3 or 3. The shirts will be too short before you outgrow your shorts - You take after your Daddy, long and skinny!

Sleep: You go to sleep between 7-7:30pm. We had a couple nights where you were up 4 times a night, but I'm going to attribute that to the fact that we were out of town and that your tooth broke through around that same time. We've been working on sleep training you this month. And it's worked even better/quicker than I expected. For most of the month you would go to bed, get a dream feed around 10:30-11, wake up around 4-5 to eat, and then sleep until 7ish. I started to decrease your 4-5am bottle and increase the rest of them throughout the day. Instead of slowly weaning you from that bottle, we went from 5oz to 3oz before you decided you'd rather just sleep straight through the night! I'm still not officially saying you're sleeping through the night, but we've definitely had enough to say that you're on the brink of STTN!! Mommy and Daddy are so excited. :) During the day you get 2 2 hour naps and a quick cat nap in the morning.

Favorite activities/things: Playing on the floor, looking at yourself in the mirror, hitting your snail toy to make it make noise, standing up, reading books, Princess Sophie, chewing on your hands and/or other toys, bath time, talking/singing with Mommy, rolling over, and your exersaucer.

Eating: You eat every 4 hours during the day, except for your first bottle. Surprisingly, you don't seem to want much for your first bottle, so we're trying to work some sort of new schedule out. Ideally, I'd give you a small bottle around 7, have play time, get in a 30 minute cat nap, then start our every 4 hours at 9am. We're trying that today. We'll see how well it works. :)

Nicknames: Sweet Pea, Lizzie, Miss E, Baby Doll

Talking: You still love to talk when you're in the mood for it! And when you're not sleepy, you'll often "sing" with Mommy! You make the cutest noises and we love hearing you explore all the new sounds! This month you started making several new sounds - the "g" and "m" sound! I also think I heard you make a "b" sound a couple of times!

New adventures: You went on 2 trips this month! We went to the DFW area to see family, where you got to meet two cousins and an uncle for the first time (you'd already met your aunt when you were in the NICU). Your cousins loved getting to meet you, and they both got to hold AND feed you. Your other cousin, the one that lives in Houston, was also there and he loved to give you kisses. We also went back to Texarkana to celebrate your great-grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! These two trips were your best car rides yet - you either slept the whole way or when you were awake, you were happy.

New Skills: You can roll over from your tummy to your back and from your back to your tummy. You prefer to roll from back to tummy now, as you'd rather be on your tummy these days. You are so proud when you do this! 

You still love bringing your toys to your mouth to chew on. You get better with this each and every day. 

You've grabbed your toes for the first time on 6/27. Now it's a constant for you. 

You also like to help with your bottles now. You love to hold them while you're eating, as well as help guide them to your mouth when you're hungry! 

You've taken your paci out of your mouth and got it back in for the first time on 7/12. Most of the time you still don't put it back correctly, but you sure try!

While we were at Aunt April's house, you giggled for the first time at your cousin Kailyn! It hasn't happened since, but I know that it will become more constant before we know it.

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