Friday, January 17, 2014

Pictures from the last week...

Just some random cute pictures from the past week...

My Little Man ready for church!

My Sweet Girl ready for church!


Love the hand on her hip!

Rocking the matching pj's!

Reading to Bubba

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Our Little Man is 15 Months Old!

Wow, so this month David had a word explosion! He went from only saying a couple of words to adding at least 30 new words! For records sake, I'm going to add them all here...E-I-E-I-O (when he wants to sing Old McDonald), King, Milk, (Both King and Milk sound the same - he just uses the 'k' sound, but I can definitely tell the difference by how he acts when he says it), Cookie, room, bath, Amen, PawPaw, Thank You, Bless You, Yucky, Dog, woof woof, Puppy, Roars for a lion, All Gone, Banana, Maggie (one of my good friend's little girl), Ouch, Cheese (especially when getting a picture taken), Ball, Mommy, Daddy, Shoe, Sock, Up, Mickey, Toodle (Toodles on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), Baby, Peek-a-boo, and I'm sure there are many more that I haven't documented.

Some other things Mr. D is up to...

  • We officially dropped his morning nap. I was sad to see it go, but it makes for longer stretches to do stuff!

  • He LOVES playing outside!
  • He also likes to play with his cars, balls, and anything that makes noise. :)
His "cheese" face

  • He figured out that he could open doors this past week. He stands up on his tip toes to grab the handle, and then pulls the handle down and pushes the door in. I can't believe he's big enough to have figured this out already!

  • He's a dare devil... The first time he ever played at Chick-fil-a he slid down the slide all on his own... and he hasn't stopped since!

  • Still climbs onto everything! And he's figured out how to climb on things that are too tall, you just push something hard over and use that as a step stool!
Pointing "racie" to Mommy

  • Wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers. He had a really bad diaper rash for about a month and even the pediatrician wasn't concerned. She just said it was dry skin. Well, over the Christmas break, we switched back to Swaddlers and the rash instantly went away. We've slowly introduced his normal Crusiers back in and he seems to be doing fine, but we're still using Swaddlers at nap and bedtime.

  • He has started to use a pillow and blanket to sleep at night, and he loves his pillow! Before, he'd stand up as soon as he woke up, but now, he just rolls around on his pillow. It even takes him a while to stand up once Alan or I go in the room. 

  • He is developing a keen sense of independence... If he won't eat anything on his plate, all I have to do is give him a fork and he'll eat. He tries to stab the food, but still isn't great doing that, so he fusses every time I take it away, but calms down as soon as I give it back to him. A lot of the time he still plays with the fork, but as soon as I tell him to put it in his mouth, he does! And he ends up eating a lot more this way!
So over pictures...
  • He is a true joy to parent and I am loving each and every day!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Pajama Day!

We had Pajama Day at Preschool and MDO today! The kids got some precious pj's and robes from Gammie and Pops, so I used this opportunity to have them wear them. I was going to put Elizabeth's hair in a ponytail, but she insisted on two bows, so who am I to say no!?

Monday, January 6, 2014

A New Year

I hope everyone has had a wonderful beginning of 2014! We have been having a blast playing outside (when it's not freezing like today), getting into our new Christmas toys, and watching movies snuggled up on the couch! Alan went back to work last Monday and I don't go back until Friday, so I'm trying to enjoy the rest of my time off by catching up on sleeping, reading, and housework.

One of my goals for 2014 is to take more pictures. I feel like I didn't take very many in 2013 and I don't ever want to regret not taking very many pictures. Elizabeth and David change soo often, and I want to be able to remember all of their fun stages! So without further ado, here is a picture overload from the past 6 days!