Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Getting ready for CHRISTmas!

Normally, I am one to put up my Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. In my mind, I want to enjoy them for as long as possible, and since we always end up traveling a lot during the Christmas holidays, they need to be up early! This year, however, Christmas has sort of snuck up on me and we didn't decorate put up the tree until we got home from Abilene. I've yet to finish decorating, but since Elizabeth hasn't been sleeping and napping well, I haven't really had time. I'm hoping that today is the turn of the lack of sleep so that I can finally get the house put back in order and get everything all decorated!

Looking at the tree

Our dining room/Christmas tree room

hitting the ornament

so fun!

crawling to the tree

What!? I can touch, right?

pretty present!

tongue out in concentration

This doesn't taste so good...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

This year, we celebrated Thanksgiving in Abilene with Alan's parents, two sisters, and their families. Alan and I headed down the Sunday before Thanksgiving and stayed until Friday afternoon. Alan had a couple projects to do while in Abilene... mainly woodworking and hunting. Alan and his dad went out Tuesday evening for a quick hunting trip, where a deer was shot! Our freezer is nice and full of deer meat now. Gonna have to start experimenting with recipes to use up all that meat.

When I travel, I'm normally not the best picture taker, but I made a conscious effort this time to pull out the camera several times during the week. Enjoy!

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer...

Me and Grammie
yummy lasagna
want some Momma?
me, Grammie, and PawPaw

Happy Thanksgiving!
sleeping on Daddy!
My little turkey
One hand off...
Both hands off...
I'm okay!

Monday, November 28, 2011

8 Months Old!

Dear Elizabeth,

Wow, you're 2/3 of a year old! I can't believe in 4 short months you'll actually be a ONE year old!! I guess I'd better start planning your party... This has been yet another great month! You've shown us that you have an independent side, which has made for some fun times getting to see you explore the world around you. We celebrated your first Halloween and Thanksgiving this past month, and boy did you have a blast during both holidays. Daddy and I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with you in your ninth month, and teach you all about Jesus' birth! Mommy and Daddy love you and truly cherish each day that passes!

We love you bunches!
Mommy and Daddy

Weight: 16 lbs, 8 oz (according to my scale)

Length: not sure... but you've grown!! :)

Diaper size: Size 2, soon to be size 3 though!

Teeth: Still no teeth...

Clothes size: You're wearing 6-12 months and 9 months clothing! 

Sleep: You go to sleep pretty much right at 7 (after your last bottle of the evening). Most of the time you'll sleep until 6:30-7, but there are times you wake up earlier. Sometimes you'll go back to sleep, depending on what time you wake up for your bottle. Mommy likes when you go back to sleep!

Favorite activities/things: Sitting up, crawling, pulling up, trying to stand without holding on, finding things to put in your mouth, jumping in your jumper, reading with Pops, Sophie the Giraffe, watching Giggle Bellies, and so much more!

Eating: You take 5 bottles a day, every 3-4 hours during the day. You also eat breakfast around 8, lunch around noon, and dinner at 6. This month we've transitioned you to mainly what Mommy and Daddy are eating and you LOVE it! We'll feed you (or let you feed yourself) bite size pieces of food. You're becoming a pro at getting food into your mouth on your own!

Nicknames: Sweet Pea, Miss E, Lizzie

Talking: You're definitely becoming much more talkative. When we were in Texarkana, you would mimic Pops when he would  make the "p" sound. It was so cute to watch y'all go back and forth. You're also a pro at "ba," "ma" (music to my ears!!), and "da" (music to Daddy's ears!). I've also heard you say a couple of "ga" sounds!

New adventures: Nothing too new this month, aside from going out to eat and actually getting food from the restaurant!!

New Skills: Crawling, pulling up, walking with assistance, feeding yourself... we've had a month full of learning new things!!

And on to the photo shoot... I had E in this adorable outfit, but it was way too cold outside to take pictures in it. So I put her in a cute, warm outfit, and am saving the other one for a warmer day (or next to our Christmas tree... we'll just have to see!)

Tasting the wind

Saturday, November 26, 2011

8 Months Old!

Today Miss E turns 8 months old!! Stay tuned for an update tomorrow... It's yucky outside and I like taking her monthly picture outdoors. =) I think we're going to celebrate by going to Orange Leaf after supper (for me and Daddy, that is...)

Friday, November 25, 2011

First bow!

Granted, Elizabeth's hair isn't quite long enough to host a bow for too long, but I did want picture proof that I was able to clip a bow into her hair!

Are you taking a picture of ME!?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...

from our family to yours! I hope everyone has a blessed day with your families! We have so much to be thankful for this year, especially Miss E! :) 

I had a post with a couple pictures, but it wouldn't let me post from my phone. Pictures will come later! :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Water toy

Back when Elizabeth didn't really like tummy time, Gammie bought her this cool toy that you fill with water. Elizabeth liked it back then, but in the past couple days she's discovered the joy of her water toy!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I should be napping...

... but I've learned how to pull up on my crib!