Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time to eat: Nilla Wafers and Pumpkin Muffins

Yesterday, I was eating some Nilla wafers as a snack, and Elizabeth sure looked interested in them, so I gave her one... She LOVED it!! I had to take it away once it got too small (I didn't want her to choke), but she probably would've eaten several more!

What is this?

This is yummy!!
I'm gonna eat it all!

Mmm... good!

I also made pumpkin muffins yesterday evening. Normally, I put cranberries and walnuts in them, but decided that before I was going to add them, I'd first make a plain batch for Miss E. Let me tell you, the muffins were another hit! I think I'll be making more when I run out of these. It probably doesn't help that pumpkin muffins are one of mine and Alan's favorite fall time breakfasts (or snacks)! I have the recipe from my kindergarten teacher, which, in my opinion, is the best pumpkin muffin recipe! It could have to do with the fact that I absolutely adored my kindergarten teacher. :)

What's on my tray?
Stuffing my face
Licking my lips!
This is even better than Nilla wafers!!

1 comment:

  1. too precious. share that pumpkin muffin recipe!
