Wednesday, May 30, 2012

14 months old!

Elizabeth, you are fourteen months old (on the 26th... Mommy is a little late this month...) now! You are growing more and more into a toddler these days. It is a super fun, but also super busy phase, but I'm absolutely loving it!

Some interesting tidbits about our month...

  • You're finally starting to talk more and more! Your two favorite words, by far, are duck and quack. We go for a walk almost every morning and get soo excited to see the ducks! The other words you say are: Mama, Dada, Dad, Dog, Gracie, King, Uh Oh, Yes, Milk, Again, Book, Car, Truck, Go, Bye, Cat. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now!
  • You're wearing 12 and 18 month clothes and size 3 or 3.5 shoe. You're still in size 3 diapers.
  • You FINALLY started eating some fruit this month. The three consistent things you'll eat are bananas, raisins, and prunes. When you were at your cousin's house, you ate several strawberries, grapes, and pineapple, but now that we're home, you won't touch them...
  • You have 6 teeth now! The newest two aren't completely in, but they've finally broken through the gums!
You did much better on pictures this month! Enjoy. :)

Giving your monkey a kiss

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

17 weeks with Baby L #2

Pregnancy Highlights
17 weeks 3 days on my 26th birthday!!

How far along? 17 weeks and 3 days!

Baby's size? Sweet potato (5.5 inches, 5 ounces). 

Gender? We'll find out June 14th! All along I've noticed myself thinking/saying him, so we'll see if my intuition is right!

Weight Gain? +5 lbs

Maternity clothes? Yup! I can still wear my t-shirts, dresses, and "comfy" pants/shorts, though. We're getting ready to head to the beach in a couple of weeks, so I tried on my old swimsuits. Luckily, I have one tankini that will work, but other than that, I'll be in a maternity one...

Stretch marks? No new ones yet. I feel like the ones I got with Miss E were finally starting to fade, but they're a little more prominent now... uh oh... gotta start lotioning up!

Belly button in or out? In, but starting to look funny

Sleeping? I'm sleeping much better!! ::knock on wood:: I fall asleep quickly and only wake up once or twice at night!

Foods I'm loving? Burgers, chicken salad, Mexican food, the occasional sweet (but I have to have something of substance before I can eat something sweet, otherwise I'll start feeling sick)

Foods I'm hating? Nothing really!

Best moment this week? Hearing our little one's heartbeat on Thursday... 159bpm

Movement? Yes, and it's finally starting to get consistent! I've felt him/her for the past 5 days in a row!

What I'm looking forward to? Seeing family soon and finding out if Baby #2 is a boy or girl!

What I miss? Nothing at this point, really

Symptoms? Frequent potty breaks, exhaustion, food cravings, still the occasional nausea, but that's really only when I smell something bad, brush my teeth, or don't eat when I first wake up

Milestones? Baby L can hear!! :)

Emotions? I cry over just about anything these days... It's especially bad if I see someone else cry - then the tears are definitely falling!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I wanna go back...

Stay tuned for a 14th month post later this weekend!

Yesterday, Elizabeth and I went swimming with a friend in our neighborhood. At first, E didn't want ANYTHING to do with the water. She didn't want to be held in it, much less be put down in the kiddie pool. Shortly after we got there, another family came, and they had a 4 year old and 13 month old. I guess after seeing them enjoy the pool, Miss E decided that I could slowly inch her into the water. She loved splashing and playing in the water. When we got home, she took a 3 hour nap!! What a wonderful afternoon! :)

I had left out the pool float to dry, and when she woke up she decided she wanted to play in the float. I think someone wants to go back!

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Eatin' some cake

This past weekend, we went to the Dallas area to hang out with Alan's family. Our youngest niece just turned 4 and we were celebrating her birthday! Of course, I didn't take my camera out but once... and I didn't even get a picture of all 4 cousins. Next time, though!

We let Elizabeth eat a cupcake, but instead of letting her have at it, I used a fork to feed her. It wasn't that much neater than letting her get all into it, though. Alan and I both ended up with icing all over us. Oh well!


Monday, May 21, 2012

16 weeks with Baby L #2

Pregnancy Highlights
16 weeks and 2 days!

How far along? 16 weeks and 2 days!

Baby's size? Turnip (5 inches, 5 ounces). 

Gender? No idea, still! Only 4 1/2 more weeks until we find out!

Weight Gain? Let the weight gain begin... +4 lbs

Maternity clothes? Well, I've been in maternity pants for several weeks now... And I've bought some shirts that I like, but I can definitely still wear regular shirts, dresses, and "comfy" pants/shorts.

Stretch marks? No new ones yet. I feel like the ones I got with Miss E were finally starting to fade, but they're a little more prominent now... uh oh... gotta start lotioning up!

Belly button in or out? In

Sleeping? I'm sleeping much better!! ::knock on wood:: I fall asleep quickly and only wake up once or twice at night!

Foods I'm loving? Burgers, steak, Italian food, bread, Chick-fil-a sandwiches with extra pickles. And a new one... Chicken Salad Sandwich and french fries from Cafe Express. The funny thing is, though, that before I got pregnant, I didn't really even care for Cafe Express. Now, that's all I can think about!

Foods I'm hating? Nothing really!

Best moment this week? Not really pregnancy related, but going to one of my sister-in-law's house to celebrate my nieces 4th birthday!

Movement? Yes, but nothing consistent. This weekend, though Baby L went crazy! I ate and ate all weekend long and Saturday night, s/he had a party!

What I'm looking forward to? Hearing the heartbeat at my next appointment (Thursday). Finding out Baby L's gender in 4 1/2 weeks. Starting to buy stuff for this little one's room!

What I miss? Nothing at this point, really

Symptoms? Frequent potty breaks, exhaustion, food cravings, still the occasional nausea, but that's really only when I smell something bad, brush my teeth, or don't eat when I first wake up

Milestones? Baby L can hear!! :)

Emotions? I cry over just about anything these days... It's especially bad if I see someone else cry - then the tears are definitely falling!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Why I can't leave ANYTHING on the table...

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

A walkin' we will go...

Every now and then, Elizabeth and I will take a walk to the pond in our subdivision. It's a great walking trail and the pond is full of ducks. Every time we go, the ducks pretty much waddle right up to the stroller in hopes for food. My guess is that they've been "trained" that strollers = food. Of course, I always seem to forget to bring bread with us to feed them. Well, today I didn't forget! And E had a wonderful time, waving and laughing at the ducks fight over the bread. After showing her what to do several times, I decided to give her a piece to see if she'd throw it to the ducks... Nope, not my daughter... She tried to eat the stale bread... Oh well!

Here they come...

Hi ducks!

Lately, Elizabeth's favorite words have become "duck" and "quack." They kind of sound similar, but if she's saying "duck," she only says it once and if she's saying "quack," well, that's definitely at least two times in a row. Quite the talker we have! And today, we had just finished up breakfast when a duck quacked on the TV (I let her watch whatever show is on in the morning when she wakes up while I get breakfast ready and I just didn't turn it off before breakfast) she high-tailed it into the living room saying "duck!" Such a smartie! ;)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

15 weeks with Baby #2!

Pregnancy Highlights

15 weeks and 3 days
How far along? 15 weeks and 3 days!

Baby's size? Avocado (4-5 inches, 3-5 ounces). 

Gender? No idea, still! Only 5 1/2 more weeks until we find out!

Weight Gain? Let the weight gain begin... +2 lbs

Maternity clothes? Well, I've been in maternity pants for several weeks now... And I've bought some shirts that I like, but I can definitely still wear regular shirts, dresses, and "comfy" pants/shorts.

Stretch marks? No new ones yet. I feel like the ones I got with Miss E were finally starting to fade, but they're a little more prominent now... uh oh... gotta start lotioning up!

Belly button in or out? In

Sleeping? I'm sleeping much better!! ::knock on wood:: I fall asleep quickly and only wake up once or twice at night!

Foods I'm loving? Burgers, steak, Italian food, bread, Chick-fil-a sandwiches with extra pickles. And a new one... Chicken Salad Sandwich and french fries from Cafe Express. The funny thing is, though, that before I got pregnant, I didn't really even care for Cafe Express. Now, that's all I can think about!

Foods I'm hating? Nothing really!

Best moment this week? Not really pregnancy related, but getting to see my brother graduate (even though he's now moved out of state...) and spending time with all my family, including my grandparents!!

Movement? Yes, but nothing consistent

What I'm looking forward to? Hearing the heartbeat at my next appointment (next week). Finding out Baby L's gender in 5 1/2 weeks. Starting to buy stuff for this little one's room!

What I miss? Nothing at this point, really

Symptoms? Frequent potty breaks, exhaustion, food cravings, still the occasional nausea, but that's really only when I smell something bad or brush my teeth

Milestones? Not really sure of any huge milestones this week

Emotions? I cry over just about anything these days... It's especially bad if I see someone else cry - then the tears are definitely falling!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Elizabeth has developed quite the fascination with our kitchen cabinets... Particularly the ones with all our glass and plastic storage. Luckily, she only seems to be getting out the plastic stuff, but I'm sure that will eventually change. We have one container that is big enough to wear on your head, and that is one of Miss E's favorite things to do - put it on and walk around the house. I'm thinking we might need to get her an actual hat. :)

Oh, and if the pictures look hazy, it's because I burned some bacon and the ENTIRE house got smokey... I'm lucky the fire alarm didn't go off!!

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - New Shoes

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Elizabeth's Chair

I think this chair has been one of my favorite things of Elizabeth's! And I think it's safe to say that she likes it, too! In fact, I had to "rescue" her from it when she decided to sit on the arm... Instead of sitting, the entire chair started to fall over. Luckily, I moved the fastest I ever have and just barely saved her head from slamming into the ground. The entire episode didn't even faze her - she was immediately climbing back in the chair. So, now every time we leave the room I have to pick up the chair to avoid any other injuries in case she reaches the chair before I can get in the room with her.

Monday, May 7, 2012

14 weeks with Baby #2

Pregnancy Highlights

How far along? 14 weeks and 2 days!

Baby's size? Navel Orange (4 inches, 2-3 ounces). 

Gender? No idea, still! Only 6 1/2 more weeks until we find out!

Weight Gain? Let the weight gain begin... +2 lbs

Maternity clothes? Well, I've been in maternity pants for several weeks now... And I've bought some shirts that I like, but I can definitely still wear regular shirts, dresses, and "comfy" pants/shorts.

Stretch marks? No new ones yet. I feel like the ones I got with Miss E were finally starting to fade, but they're a little more prominent now... uh oh... gotta start lotioning up!

Belly button in or out? In

Sleeping? I'm still waking up several times to go to the bathroom. Some nights I sleep better than others!

Foods I'm loving? Burgers, steak, Italian food, bread, Chick-fil-a sandwiches with extra pickles. And a new one... Chicken Salad Sandwich and french fries from Cafe Express. The funny thing is, though, that before I got pregnant, I didn't really even care for Cafe Express. Now, that's all I can think about!

Foods I'm hating? It depends on the day. Unlike with Elizabeth, I'm not too keen on fruit and sweet stuff... 

Best moment this week? Not feeling as sick

Movement? Yes, but nothing consistent

What I'm looking forward to? Finding out Baby L's gender in 6 1/2 weeks. Starting to buy stuff for this little one's room!

What I miss? Sleeping through the night...

Symptoms? Frequent potty breaks, exhaustion, food cravings/aversions, still the occasional nausea (although it's almost completely gone...  ::knock on wood::)

Milestones? Not really sure of any huge milestones this week

Emotions? I cry over just about anything these days... It's especially bad if I see someone else cry - then the tears are definitely falling!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I'm wondering if we might have a curly-haired child... What do you think? Granted, this was after taking a nap, but still. :)

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