Pregnancy Highlights
No picture this week. Stay tuned for one next week! :)
How far along? 18 weeks and 2 days
Baby's size? Mango (6 inches, 1/2 pound).
Gender? We'll know in 10 days!!! Can't wait. :)
Weight Gain? + 6lbs
Maternity clothes? Yup! I can still wear my t-shirts, dresses, and "comfy" pants/shorts, though.
Stretch marks? No new ones yet. I feel like the ones I got with Miss E were finally starting to fade, but they're a little more prominent now... uh oh...
Belly button in or out? In, but starting to look funny
Sleeping? I'm sleeping great most of the time!! ::knock on wood:: I fall asleep quickly and only wake up once or twice at night!
Foods I'm loving? Burgers, chicken salad, Mexican food, the occasional sweet (but I have to have something of substance before I can eat something sweet, otherwise I'll start feeling sick)
Foods I'm hating? Nothing really!
Best moment this week? Feeling him/her move!
Movement? Yes, and it's finally starting to get consistent!
What I'm looking forward to? Seeing family soon and finding out if Baby #2 is a boy or girl!
What I miss? Nothing at this point, really
Symptoms? Frequent potty breaks, exhaustion, food cravings
Milestones? Consistent movement!
Emotions? Just about the same. ;)
Weekend Wrap-Up - January 26
6 years ago
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