I wanted to document David's birth before I forget about it! It was a complete shock to need to be induced early, and quite a different delivery than with Miss E!
Monday, October 15, I had my 37 week check-up. I went in for my ultrasound (they said he was about 7 lbs, 4 oz) and waited to see my OB. After waiting for what seemed like forever since my doctor was delivering a baby, I was asked if I minded seeing a different one. Of course, my answer was a resounding yes... So in comes the doctor and I got the results of my last 24 hour collection - the protein went up. She checked me and then told me that I was more favorable for an induction if needed and that she was going to talk to my OB.
Fast forward to the drive home (less than 15 minutes later) and Dr. Bruce called me. She told me that she would prefer to induce me the next day, although if I was really adamant, we could wait it out until the following Monday. I trust Dr. Bruce, and since I could tell she wanted to get the ball moving before things got too bad, I agreed with her! I called Alan and told him and drove the rest of the way home in shock!
Elizabeth was still in Texarkana with my parents, so Alan and I went on a final date to Saltgrass (yummy!), and then back home to finish packing our bags. After a sleepless night, at least for me, we headed to the hospital at 4:15am for a 5:00am induction.
Once we arrived at the hospital I immediately got set up in a labor and delivery room. They collected a sample of urine and (surprise, surprise) didn't find any traces of protein. *Side note... I don't understand how each individual sample always came up negative for protein, but the 24 hour collections did...* I got hooked up to the monitors, pitocin, and antibiotics since I was positive for Group B Strep and the waiting game began.
I couldn't sleep a wink, either from nerves or excitement, so a lot of TV watching went on that day. It was nice to actually be able to watch some of the channels that we don't get anymore! I got the epidural around 12, and was good to go from there! I don't think I was progressing as fast as Dr. Bruce wanted, but there wasn't much they could do at that point...
Around 3, they changed the bag of pitocin to see if that would help. The nurse told me she would be back in around 4 to check me, and she wanted me to be at least a 7... Well, around 3:30, I started feeling the urge to push. I didn't think anything of it since a short 30 minutes before I was only a 5-6. By 3:45, I was wanting my nurse to come back in. I kept saying, "I'll give her five more minutes then I'll call..." Well, I never did. When she came in around 4, I told her that I was feeling quite a bit of pressure. She said that was a good thing, but that's about it. When she finally checked me (I'm not really sure what time it was...), she was extremely surprised and said that I was fully dilated and she could see his head. We did a couple practice pushes and then she essentially told me to stop, otherwise David would've been delivered by a nurse. I had decided to let the epidural slightly wear off, and because of that, the time between practice pushes and when Dr. Bruce arrived seemed to drag!
By the time everyone was ready and in the room, I was pretty ready to get the show on the road! I pushed a grand total of 3 times before David was born! A much easier delivery than with Elizabeth! I remember telling Alan if the rest of my deliveries were this easy, I'd happily have many more kids... :)
And on to the pictures...
Weekend Wrap-Up - January 26
6 years ago
Oh, I'm so glad it went so well!! He's such a cute little guy! Very happy for you! :)