Dear Elizabeth,
What a whirlwind of a month we've had with you! You've gone on 3 trips and were great each time, once we finally arrived at the destination. :) You have been so much fun this month, and we have truly enjoyed every minute of parenthood. This month we celebrated Daddy's first Father's Day. What a wonderful treat it was to be able to share that with your Daddy, Grandpa, and Great-Granddaddy! Daddy and I look forward to seeing what this next month holds for you!
Mommy and Daddy
And now for your latest stats:
Weight: 11lbs 5oz (according to my scale)
Length: somewhere between 24-26 inches
Diaper size: Size 1
Teeth: While no teeth have broken through yet, Aunt Amber pointed out that your two bottom teeth will be here shortly! I looked after she mentioned it and could see them right below your gums! Maybe this explains all the drooling... :)
Clothes size: One piece outfits are 3-6 and 6 months, two piece outfits are still 0-3 or 3. The shirts will be too short before you outgrow your shorts - You take after your Daddy, long and skinny!
Sleep: You go to sleep between 7:30-9. The past two nights you slept through the night, but I'm not going to say you're sleeping through the night yet. Before then, you would go to bed, get a dream feed right before Daddy and I go to bed around 10:30 (unless you wake up first), and then sleep until 3-4ish. You go right back to sleep and then wake up anywhere between 7-9, but most of the time it's 7-8. You take 3 naps, 1 1/2-2 hours. You're such a great sleeper!!
Favorite activities/things: Playing on the floor, looking at yourself in the mirror, hitting your snail toy to make it make noise, sitting up, reading books, Sophie the Giraffe, chewing on your hands and/or other toys, bath time
Eating: This month you've gone from eating ever 2 1/2-3 hours to every 3-3 1/2 to every 4 hours! As you've done this, we've started upping how much you get at each time you eat. You now get 5oz in each bottle, and eat anywhere from 25-27oz a day.
Nicknames: Sweet Pea, Sweetie Pie, Lizzie
Talking: You still love to talk when you're in the mood for it! And when you're not sleepy, you'll often "sing" with Mommy! You make the cutest noises and we love hearing you explore all the new sounds!
New adventures: You went on 3 trips this month! First to Texarkana for Mommy's birthday, then to Abilene to see Grammy and PawPaw, then back to Texarkana for a week. It was the longest time you'd been without seeing your Daddy and you were SOOO excited when you saw him again! You also went to the church nursery on Wednesday night, June 15, for the first time. You did great! And you went again on your 3 month birthday, Sunday, June 26, so Mommy and Daddy could go to church and Sunday School.
New Skills: Holding onto toys and bringing them to your mouth to chew on! You're doing such a good job on holding up your head! You're getting so strong! You love to sit up and look at the world around you and unless you're tired, you always hold your head up when we place you on our shoulders. You're so close to rolling over it's not even funny! It's going to happen any day now!
Your photo shoot this month was even better than last month! You're getting so fun to take pictures of! :)
Weekend Wrap-Up - January 26
6 years ago
I love the first picture where she's looking through the mirror! So cute! Can't wait to meet her!