Thursday, July 18, 2013


We got two boxes from amazon today - one had an alarm clock for E and crib wraps for D's crib, and the other had a roll of paper for the kids new craft table (side note... while it's the right length, I have a feeling there is way too much paper on the roll to fit... we'll just have to see when the table gets here). I put David in the bigger of the two boxes just to see how he would react - Elizabeth always cried when I put her in a box, so I wanted to see if he did the same. David, however, loved it and would've stayed in there much longer than I let him. :) Elizabeth even joined in on the fun and sat in one, and then decided she wanted to be closer to her baby brother... I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Love that mischievous grin!

I promise no children were
hurt in these boxes... She was
trying to hug him. Haha

"hug him UNDER his arms...
not his neck"

This one cracks me up!!

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