Thursday, February 28, 2013


What started out as a little experiment to see if I could actually do something with Elizabeth's hair...

Turned into something that lasted all day!

I even asked her if she wanted me to take them out before nap and she said no! I think I'll be doing this quite often. :)

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Elizabeth is 23 months old!


How can you be one short month away from turning two?! Where oh where has my little baby gone? In her place I have a loving toddler who adores her "bubba." You are so affectionate and I absolutely love it! I love getting your hugs and kisses and hope you'll always want to hug and kiss your Mommy. You've had a bit of a rough adjustment to your new room, but have transitioned much better than anyone expected! You've loved having a new place to explore, and it probably helps that your new backyard is awesome. I pray that you'll always love life as much as you do now!

Mommy and Daddy

You didn't really want to cooperate for pictures this month... You were way to busy exploring the backyard!

  • You love books and being read to. You would sit and read all day long if we could.
  • You also love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, "Tad" (Leapfrog videos), and are slowly being introduced to some of the Disney classics. 
  • One crazy thing that I found out is that you've learned your letters and their sounds thanks to the Leapfrog videos. We were parked in a car and you pointed at a stop sign and told me all the letters. Since then, you've started finding letter and pointing them out and now saying their sound! I'm in amazement of how much you know!
  • You've also learned the difference between push and pull! I just can't believe how much you're learning and retaining!

  • You've started calling us Mommy and Daddy some. It's so cute to hear you go back and forth on the monitor when you wake up from nap "Mama, Mommy, Mama, Mommy..."
  • You love to chase the dogs around and try to pet them. Luckily, Gracie tolerates it well.

  • You weigh around 25 pounds and are close to 33 inches (I think).
  • You're wearing size 4 diaper, and anywhere from 18 months (in some pants) to 2T. 

  • You absolutely adore your baby brother! One of your favorite things to do these days is hang out with him in his crib. And you've finally got to the stage where you want to hold him at times. It sure makes for some cute pictures!
  • After seeing Mommy feed David so much, you've decided to do the same thing for your stuffed animals. It's so cute to see you find the boppy, lift up your shirt to your belly button, and go "feed, feed!"

  • You're truly a bundle of energy and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Lets talk sleep

See this cutie? He's out cold there, but what you don't know is that he was up only 15 minutes later... After being up for 3 hours before that. Before you say that's a long time for a 4 month old, don't... It's not from lack of trying to get him to sleep. He'll fall asleep in my (or Alan's) arms and then wake up as soon as we stand up. And forget about putting him in his crib...

This doesn't just happen at nap-times... As I'm sure you can guess, nighttime sure has been fun lately. It's been over a week since I've had more than 90 minutes of uninterrupted sleep. I've tried just about everything I know. Feed him more often, pat and shush him, rock him. Nothing is working. I'm about at my wits end. Elizabeth was (and is) such a good sleeper that I'm at a loss on what to do. I am now a believer in the 4 month sleep regression! If this is true, we can expect another 1-5 weeks before it improves. I'm not sure I can handle 5 more weeks of this...

Good thing he's cute! :) I've just got to remember that "this too shall pass." And hopefully I'll conveniently forget this stage in the near future.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Link to updates! :)

Here is a streamlined post for all of our updates! Phew... I'm so glad that I got it done! Here's to staying abreast of things from now on!

Elizabeth is 21 months old!

David is 3 months old!

Elizabeth is 22 months old!

Our time in Texarkana

Happy Valentine's Day!

David is 4 months old!

Life in our new home

Life in our new home

To say it's been crazy the past couple months would be an understatement. If you had told me 6 months ago that I'd be having a baby, packing to move cities (back to my dream city), living with my parents with two kids for almost a month, and buying an amazing new home I would've laughed in your face! Never in my wildest dreams would I have believe that Alan and I would move back to where we began. But now that we're here, I can honestly say I never want to leave again! We're slowly getting the house settled - we have most of the boxes unpacked and put away, we just need to finish unpacking the last few boxes and figure out how to organize the kids rooms and our room and we'll be all set! It had better happen fast, though... Elizabeth is turning two in a month and we're having her birthday party shortly after that!

I've been busy updating the blog all afternoon/evening, so this is just going to be another picture post. Hopefully I'll soon be able to get back to regular blogging!

Love these mirror pictures!!


Fascinated with looking at himself in the mirror

Watching Mickey Mouse while Mommy gets
E's breakfast

posing like Mommy

helping unpack/load the dishwasher

"feeding" Bubba's monkey from her belly button. :)

She loves playing in Bubba's crib after he wakes up!

First night with a pillow

Hanging out in the Bumbo

E and Pops

Using a "big kid" glass


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Time sure has flown...

Last time I blogged, I was still in Texarkana and we hasn't closed on either house. A lot has happened in this past month. Elizabeth turned 22 months (she's almost 23 now). We closed on our Houston home. We closed on our new home. David turned 4 months. My mom and dad visited for a while. Mom stayed a week longer than my dad. I met some of Alan's coworkers and their families. Attended a ladies night with a Sunday School class we'll hopefully be attending. The list goes on and on. I still haven't found my camera cord, so most of my updates will have to wait. Until then, enjoy some of my iPhone pictures.

We got the dogs groomed and Miss E had the privilege of carrying Gracie home. She loved it!!!

Holding Bubba's hand while he sleeps (cue melting heart...)

Just chilling in Elizabeth's bed.

Cool cat!

So proud that she took her PJ's off and grabbed her giraffes and paci from her crib.

Playing with a new toy!

Sophie's a hit!!

Yet again she found a way to get her paci and giraffe out.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

David is 4 months old!

Dear David,

We have finally begun to settle into a routine in our new home, and I love seeing how you're flourishing in your new surroundings! You've become so much more aware in this past month, and I absolutely adore the way you look up to your big sister. You give her some of the biggest smiles. I know the two of y'all will become such great friends as you grow up. I just can't wait until you're big enough to play and interact a little more (but I'm not wishing time away, I promise!). Keep growing big and strong! We love you to the moon and back!

Mommy and Daddy

Weight: 13 lbs 10 oz

Length: 24 1/4 inches

Diaper size: Size 2!

Teeth: Not yet!

Clothes size: You're wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. The sleepers still fit great, but the other one piece outfits (that don't have feet) ride up to where it looks like we'll be moving up relatively soon.

Sleep: You've started sleeping really well at night! You might wake up once around 2, but I'll put your paci back in (or sometimes rock you if needed), and you'll sleep anywhere from 3:30-5. Most of the time you'll go back down pretty easy and sleep until 7-8. Some mornings, however, you're ready to go around 5:45... unless Daddy picks up up and rocks you until he has to get ready for work

Favorite activities/things: Sleeping, wiggling, eating, smiling, and talking. :)

Eating: Most of the time you eat every 3 hours during the day, with random 2 hour intervals thrown in there for good measure. At night, you get a dream feed around 10-11 and then eat between 3:30-5. The day starts for you anywhere between 7-8.

Nicknames: Little Man, Bubba

Talking: You've become quite the talkative little man! You love making noise, and we love to hear it!

New adventures: You moved into your second home! You also got to go to your first home closing. Mommy and Daddy took you to Houston when they closed on their house since they were going to be cleaning that afternoon and Mommy didn't want to be apart for that long...

New Skills: Standing up assisted, holding onto things really well, and starting to sit up with assistance