Only one more month of having an "infant..." Pretty soon you'll be considered a toddler, and that makes me super sad! Your daddy and I have loved this month, like all others! I keep thinking this is going to be my favorite month, and then the next month happens. You love to follow your sister around, which makes my heart happy - you truly do love her! I know she loves you too, but sometimes she's still a little rough. It's hard to learn to share! You're quickly catching up with her size wise, so it won't be long before you're both playing and sharing really well. Your Daddy and I love you to the moon and back David, and we couldn't imagine having any other boy for our son than you.
Mommy and Daddy
Weight: About 20 1/2 lbs
Length: Getting super tall!
Diaper size: Size 3
Teeth: Seven and a half... 4 on bottom, 3 on top, with your next one about to break through any day!!
Clothes size: 12-18 months and 18 months! You're growing super fast!
Sleep: For the most part, sleep has been really great this month! We're still trying to get the hang of the whole nap schedule since you only take one a day on Mondays and Wednesdays at MDO, but we'll get there! At night you're sleeping like a champ! We generally start bedtime routine at 7:45 and you're out around 8-8:15 and you sleep until around 7:15-7:30. In fact, I have to wake you up a lot of the time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays!
Favorite activities/things: Crawling after your big sister, cruising along the furniture, dancing, clapping, and spitting...
Eating: You only nurse 3 times a day now. You love your sippy cup of milk, though! I honestly think you'd skip nursing if I'd let you. Makes me sad, but at the same time, a little happy. You still love to eat most of the time! There are days here and there where you don't eat much, but you make up for it on other days!
Nicknames: Little Man, Bubba, Buddy
Talking: You still love making noise, and we love to hear it! You're still saying "mamama," "bababa," "gaga," and "dadada," probably a ton of other things. You're really close to associating mama and dada with the right person, hopefully it'll just continue to get even better. :)
New adventures: You started Mother's Day Out this month while Mommy is teaching preschool! I think you're enjoying it, I know you'll have fun getting to be around the bigger kids (you're one of the youngest in your class) and learning from them!
New Skills: You crawl everywhere still, but you have started cruising along furniture if it's there. And, this past Saturday (9/14) you took 2 steps a couple of times! You're sooo close to walking it's not even funny! You started to give high fives this month, and in addition to clapping, you now clap on command and if we sing "If You're Happy and You Know It..." You also really started to play peek-a-boo. You'll even hide and peek around a doorway. It's waay too cute!!
You were very cooperative this month and I feel like I got some great pictures, even though my "good" camera is out of commission. :)