Friday, April 26, 2013

This week!

We've had a crazy fun and busy week so far! Two play dates and my parents visiting... All happened at a time I desperately needed it. When we were I. Houston, I was constantly on the go. Things have slowed down considerably now that we've moved. Good for the pocketbook, not so good on Mommy's sanity. Ha. I'm determined to get out of the house more, whether it's getting together with friends or walking around our neighborhood with the kids (why else would I have gotten a double jogger if I wasn't going to use it?).

Yet another week without many camera pics, but I'll leave you with a few phone pictures. I haven't taken any of D with the phone, but I did finally get a great picture of his teeth on my good camera. I'll have to post that next week (and I have a couple other posts I want to write, too!)

Enjoying the chocolate cookie pizza at DoubleDaves.

Wearing Gammie's glasses

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a better week! I'm sure that gets tiring to be at home all day every day... pretty sure I would go crazy! And I miss Double Dave's too! :)
