Tuesday, April 16, 2013

David is 6 months old!

Dear David,

How is it that you're already half a year old? It seems like just yesterday I found out that I was going to be induced 2 1/2 weeks early! I just can't get over the fact that you've grown and changed so much since October. You are such a joy to parent and I'm looking forward to watching you continue to grow! You've always been such a happy baby, but this month brought the happiness up a notch! You're so social and will just chatter away to anyone who will listen. You still adore your big sister. I just love the way you watch her! Your Daddy and I continually fall more and more in love with you David. We can't wait to see what great things God has in store for you!

Mommy and Daddy

Weight: 15 lbs, 4 oz

Length: 26 inches

Diaper size: You fit best in size 3 (which is what you're wearing at night), but we're attempting to finish the box of size 2s so they don't go to waste.

Teeth: Your two bottom teeth broke through the skin the Friday before you turned six months old! (4/12)

Clothes size: 9 months, 6-9 months, and even some 12 months!

Sleep: You started sleeping really well this month! I think it's partially because I pumped and fed you bottles all month (until 4/11 - we started nursing again). You'll go to bed around 6:30-7, we'll do a dreamfeed at 10ish, then you'll sleep until 6 most of the time, eat, and go back to sleep until 7-7:30 (sometimes you won't go back to sleep, though...)

Favorite activities/things: Rolling over, sitting up, chewing on your hands, eating anything I feed you!

Eating: You nurse every 3-4 hours during the day! You also are already eating 3 meals a day! You start your day nursing around 6, eat breakfast around 7:30, nurse around 10, lunch between 11:30-12, nurse again around 1, nurse at 4, eat between 5:00-5:30, nurse at 6:45ish, big bedtime bottle at 10. You can not get enough "big people" food, too! So far you've had sweet potatoes, apples, pears, prunes, green beans, carrots, and butternut squash and you love them all! You'll eat anywhere from 6-8 oz of solids with EACH feeding, and most of the time I can't shovel it into your mouth fast enough! I honestly have no idea where you're putting it all, because you are only in the 25% weight wise!

Nicknames: Little Man, Bubba, Buddy

Talking: You've become quite the talkative little man! You love making noise, and we love to hear it!

New adventures: You got to play in the bluebonnets this month! And you also got to spend some more time with your cousins!

New Skills: Sitting up for longer periods of time! Rolling all over the place - often we'll find you off your mat! You've even gotten mad before because you've rolled too far over.

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