Thursday, March 29, 2012

Where's your milk?

I asked Elizabeth where her milk was Friday evening, just to see what she'd do. Miraculously, she crawled over to the end table, stood up, and started happily sipping her milk. Surely it's a fluke... I thought. So over the course of the next several days, I asked her again and again. Each time with the same results. She'd find where she last left her sippy (often the end table), crawl over to it, and drink away. I finally documented this feat Sunday afternoon. Enjoy!

Elizabeth, where is your milk?

Found it!!

Such a smart girl

Monday, March 26, 2012

One Year Old!!

Dear Elizabeth,

How in the world did this year go by this fast? I feel like time just flew and that you should still be my itty bitty baby! You are blossoming into such a fun toddler and I am loving every minute of it. You are sooo busy and on the move, sometimes it's hard to keep up with you! Elizabeth, you love to play in your room, but I'm smart, and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that you find ways to get your giraffe and paci... It is such a joy being your Mommy and I love the fact that I get the privilege of staying home with you every day!! This first year has been great, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in your second year!

We love you!
Mommy and Daddy

Weight: We go to the doctor next Tuesday, so stay tuned...

Length: Getting longer... 

Diaper size: Size 3

Teeth: We have four teeth now!!

Clothes size: You're can still squeeze into some 9 month clothes, but most everything is 12 months these days!

Sleep: You go to sleep between 7:45 and 8:00 and most of the time you sleep until around 7:30! Mommy LOVES this!!

Favorite activities/things: Crawling, standing up, walking around, and playing with the things you're not supposed to (i.e. Mommy and Daddy's phones and the TV remote)

Eating: You are completely off bottles and drink all your milk from a sippy cup! You drink about 16-18 ounces of milk a day. I often give you a little juice, too. I was the Mom that said I'd never give juice... and I do... Never say never! You eat three meals a day, and most of the time you have 3 snacks. You love to eat!

Nicknames: Sweet Pea, Miss E, Lizzie, Little Bit

Talking: You're still very talkative. You love to talk to yourself, and it just makes me and Daddy grin! You're really starting to talk to yourself in the car and it is just about the cutest thing ever! You've started saying "uh oh" when you drop things sometimes!

New adventures: You got to jump in a bounce house for the first time at your cousin's birthday party, and you LOVED it!

New Skills: You've started to walk this month! You still crawl most places, but I think that's because it's still faster than walking. You do your most walking in your room, which I think is because it is a smaller space and you don't have as much room to fall... You also FINALLY wave. You've known how to do it for the longest time, but now you'll do it often. It's the cutest thing ever! Another thing I learned about you is that you understand a lot! Friday evening, I asked you where your milk was and you crawled over to your sippy, picked it up, and started drinking. Daddy and I couldn't believe it! You've done it several times since, so I know you know exactly what I'm saying!

Yay for being one!!

Elizabeth's First Gift!

Friday evening, Elizabeth got her first birthday gift from one of my best friends, Amy. Amy is currently living in Montana and working on her PhD. She came down over the summer to visit, and we got to see her over Christmas for a short while, but hopefully we'll be able to really catch up sometime this summer!

Elizabeth had a blast opening her present! They wrapped it very well, so I ended up having to help her some. ;)

Miss Amy got Elizabeth the cutest outfit that we're definitely going to be taking pictures in soon! She also got her these fun bunny ears and a bath toy! Now, E LOVES baths, so anything to do with a bath is a huge hit with Elizabeth!

Thanks Miss Amy!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A girl and her room...

Elizabeth has developed a new found love for her room the past couple weeks. Several times a day Miss E will crawl into her room, stand up in front of her crib, pull out her favorite stuffed animal, and look for her paci (if she's thrown it out after nap time).

Then, she'll walk (or sometimes crawl) to the door and begin the open and shut sequence... That I'm terrified she's going to get her fingers shut one day...

And if E is being extra silly, she'll lay down and pretend to go to sleep.

Oh how I love this little girl!!!

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - walking

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

There's something about grandparents...

I'm telling you, grandparents are magical people! I'd been trying to get Elizabeth to drink out of a straw for a couple months with absolutely no success... Until both sets of grandparents came to visit. Last weekend, when Grammie and PawPaw were down, Miss E figured out how to drink from a juice box straw. I was so excited and busted out her straw sippies... Only to find out that she still hadn't figured those out. Well, Gammie and Pops came down this weekend, and lo and behold Elizabeth decided she was ready to drink from ALL straws! So, I can finally use the straw sippies (and not wash dishes every 2 days...). Such a proud Mommy!! :)

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Friday, March 9, 2012

More teeth!!

Elizabeth's top two teeth are here/almost here! Her top right tooth broke through her gums yesterday and the left one is following close behind!

What I got the first time I tried to get a picture...

I had to put Miss E in her crib so I could empty her diaper pail. When I turned around, she had her paci in her mouth (she only gets a paci at nap/bed time and during car rides) and was holding on to her favorite lovey. She looked so cute so I had to snap a quick picture,of course!

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012