Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Our Little Man is 18 Months Old!

The difference between a boy and a girl... Elizabeth was always excited to take pictures by this age. David, however, not so much. He couldn't wait to get down and go run and play! It's so fun to see the differences between the kids as the get older and figure out more about themselves and their likes/dislikes!

  • At 18 months you weigh 25 lbs 4 oz and you are 2 ft. 9.75 inches!
  • You're wearing 18-24 month and 24 months clothes, although the waist is still a bit big on some brands. You also still wear size 4 diapers (Pampers at night and Huggies during the day!)

  • We turned your forward facing this month, and you love it! The first time we did it, you just looked and grinned the whole car ride.
  • Your absolute favorite thing to do is go outside! You love to dig in the dirt, blow bubbles, and climb on our playset.

  • You haven't been eating quite as good lately, but I'm sure that won't stay that way for long! You've got to catch up with big sister. ;)
  • We've started going on walks almost daily, and you get so excited when I tell you to go climb in the stroller.

  • You are talking all the time, still in one word, but I know you'll take off soon - you've got the words!
  • Still the same amount of teeth! I asked your pediatrician about your extra tooth and she said you'll just have it until you lose your baby teeth!

  • You have absolutely  no fear! You climb on everything, even the top of the couch. You've taken a couple tumbles this month, but nothing has resulted in something a little snuggle couldn't heal.
  • You've also become a great cuddler! A lot of times after you wake up from your nap and before you go to bed you are content just to sit in my lap! I'm enjoying it while I can because I know it won't last forever.

  • You went to the zoo for the first time (that you can remember) and loved running and looking at all the animals!
  • You also went to your first "dance," to celebrate your PaPaw's birthday! You and your sister were so much fun to watch run around the dance floor, dance, and clap to the music.

  • You are all boy and love anything boy related, from cars to balls to getting dirty!
  • You love your big sister, and from time to time I'll catch you holding her hand in the car... Melts my heart everytime!

  • You are a bundle of energy when you are awake, but you normally sleep 11-13 hours at night and when you're home, you nap once a day generally for 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours! I only wish your big sister still did that!
  • Your daddy, sister, and I love you so much David!!!

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