Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was sort of crummy for us (mainly me...) this year... I had to leave school early because I felt awful. I didn't get a single picture of our kiddos in their precious Valentine's outfits (but I did on other days, thank goodness!). I don't know what exactly I had, because I would assume that if it was a stomach bug everyone would've come down with it. I guess we'll never know. At least it was short - as soon as I ate dinner that evening I was fine!

Alan got us McAllister's for dinner (all that sounded good was soup...). The kids loved it! Especially Elizabeth... she ate the leftovers from my soup - I didn't put all of it in my bread bowl - and some of Alan's soup and bread.

David ate a TONE of mac-n-cheese!

Chowing down on soup

Good to the last drop!

These other pictures were taken sometime before Valentine's Day. And they are much better. :)

Enjoying a special cupcake snack


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