Each and every day I see you blossoming into a sweet, caring toddler more and more! You have such a sweet heart and want the best for others, especially your baby brother. Today, your "Bubba," as you call him was upset and crying in his carseat. Instead of just doing whatever you wanted, you were over there "shsh-ing" and trying to give him his paci. I wish I had a video of it - it melted my heart! I have loved watching your relationship with David over the past month! You're still learning what it means to be gentle, but you always want to be with your brother and helping him in whatever way possible. I can't wait to see how much you grow in the next couple months - only 4 more months until you're two years old! We love you very much and are so proud of the toddler and great big sister that you're becoming!
Mommy and Daddy
You were so cooperative with pictures this month... as long as you had your monkey - you weren't too keen on taking pictures without it! I got a ton of cute ones!
You weigh about 21 1/2 pounds, according to our home scale.
You love to read books and every time we go to put you down or get you up, you are constantly saying "book, book!"
You hit a language explosion this past month! I can't even count the number of new words you've learned. I am pretty sure, however, that your newest word is iPad...
You are such a little mother to your baby brother. You love to be right next to him and help with whatever you can! In fact, most of the time the first word out of your mouth in the morning is "bubba!"
Outside has quickly become one of your favorite pastimes. You'd stay out all day if I let you. Luckily, it's cooled off enough that we can hang outside whenever we want.
Loving on bubba |
We love you Baby Girl!