Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We had a great, but busy Thanksgiving! Since David was so little, we didn't want to travel for Thanksgiving, so we hosted our first holiday from our home! My parents and grandparents came up from Texarkana and my brother and sister traveled all the way from Florida and Oklahoma, respectively. Mom did a lot of the cooking and brought it with her - a HUGE lifesaver for this busy mom of two, but I did make several desserts and the green bean casserole.

I won't be around a lot this week - we've got some crazy stuff in the works. I'll share those details as soon as I'm able! :) So enjoy the picture overload while I'm attempting a break from the blog world.

MeMaw and Granddaddy-Great with their two great-grandchildren

Thanksgiving Day Pictures
Add caption

Our Little Turkey

Rolled half-way over!


Our Little Angel

This is what happened when we tried to get pictures of both of them... Oh the life of being a parent of two. :)

Peeking at the dogs in our
neighbor's yard

My heart is full!

Sunday, November 25

Trying to carry Gammie's heavy

Saturday, November 24 - Family pictures

Reading with Pops

Aunt MoMo and E

Friday evening we celebrated Michelle's (or Aunt MoMo) 21st birthday!

Elizabeth LOVE the ice cream!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Elizabeth is 20 months old!


Each and every day I see you blossoming into a sweet, caring toddler more and more! You have such a sweet heart and want the best for others, especially your baby brother. Today, your "Bubba," as you call him was upset and crying in his carseat. Instead of just doing whatever you wanted, you were over there "shsh-ing" and trying to give him his paci. I wish I had a video of it - it melted my heart! I have loved watching your relationship with David over the past month! You're still learning what it means to be gentle, but you always want to be with your brother and helping him in whatever way possible. I can't wait to see how much you grow in the next couple months - only 4 more months until you're two years old! We love you very much and are so proud of the toddler and great big sister that you're becoming!

Mommy and Daddy

You were so cooperative with pictures this month... as long as you had your monkey - you weren't too keen on taking pictures without it! I got a ton of cute ones!

You weigh about 21 1/2 pounds, according to our home scale.

You love to read books and every time we go to put you down or get you up, you are constantly saying "book, book!"

You hit a language explosion this past month! I can't even count the number of new words you've learned. I am pretty sure, however, that your newest word is iPad... 

You are such a little mother to your baby brother. You love to be right next to him and help with whatever you can! In fact, most of the time the first word out of your mouth in the morning is "bubba!"

Outside has quickly become one of your favorite pastimes. You'd stay out all day if I let you. Luckily, it's cooled off enough that we can hang outside whenever we want.

Loving on bubba

We love you Baby Girl!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's a pajama kinda day...

We've spent almost all day in our PJ's today!! It's been kind of nice to just hang out before all of my family comes tomorrow. Although I have to admit that I'm,ind of giddy to be hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year! Alan is picking my brother and sister up from the airport tomorrow afternoon and then my parents and grandparents will be here late tomorrow evening. This will be the first time I've seen my brother since May and my sister since June (I think), so it goes without saying that they're excited to meet their new nephew. :)

And here are a couple fun pictures from this morning...

Giving Bubba a kiss.

About to play the "paci game" by taking David's paci out...

... and putting it back in.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, November 16, 2012

David is One Month Old!


I can't believe that you're already a month old! I said this with your sister, but time sure does fly! You've been such a fun and easy baby so far, we just need to get you sleeping in your crib! :) Your family adores you, especially your big sister. I can't wait to see how your bond with Elizabeth grows and develops over the upcoming months! Your Daddy and I are so looking forward to seeing your personality develop as you get older. Know that we'll always love you!

Mommy and Daddy

My birthday!
One Month Old!

Weight: 8 pounds, 15 ounces (That's up 1 pound, 10 ounces from his 2 week check-up! Definitely puts me at ease with the whole breastfeeding, not knowing how much he's consuming thing!)

Length: 22 inches

Diaper size: Size 1 - We moved you from the newborn diapers to the size one diapers last week. They fit soo much better!

Teeth: Not yet!

Clothes size: You're wearing 0-3 and 3 month size clothes. You were in newborn clothes for only about 2 weeks - much different than your sister!

Sleep: You sleep a lot, unless you're in your crib... Most of the time you only sleep about 30-45 minutes at a time in your crib. If you're on someone, you'll sleep for hours! We're going to try a couple of new things (i.e. heating pad in the crrib while I'm feeding you and then taking it out before I put you back down, and a heartbeat sound machine) to see if that will help!

Favorite activities/things: Sleeping, wiggling, and eating. :)

Eating: You eat every 2-3 hours still. At night, you'll go 3-4 hours, but that's only if you have someone to help you sleep. ;)

Nicknames: Little Man

Talking: You're somewhat starting to "coo" at us. It's not very often, but I do know you've done it!

New adventures: Pretty much everything is a new adventure for you this month! We've nursed in public (I hate the covers), gone shopping, gone out to eat. You name it, we've probably done it. :)

New Skills: You hold your head up so well and turn it side to side. You've also rolled over 5 times in two days! You haven't done it since, though... So maybe it was a fluke.

Here are a couple more... Taken November 17, when he was actually awake. :)