Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

We spent New Year's Eve in Texarkana, recuperating from the trip back from Colorado. We didn't do much at all, Mom and I went shopping and got some wrapping paper and a couple other after Christmas sales, Alan, Elizabeth, and I went to see MeMaw and Granddaddy, and then my Dad grilled out for dinner. It was a great, low-key New Year's Eve!

taking off the bow...

Every time Gammie tried to take the beater away,
E got upset... Needless to say, she likes
mashed potatoes!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Colorado 2011

We headed to Steamboat, Colorado on the 26 for 3 days of snow, skiing, and fun! We even had a built in "babysitter!" My mom doesn't ski, so what could be more fun than playing with your grandbaby?  She watched Elizabeth for us while we skied! I would stay on the slopes for the morning runs, and then hang out with Mom and Elizabeth during the afternoon. What a perfect way to spend my days! We ate in during the day, and headed out on the town at night. We had some great choices of food for dinner, thanks to a friend who spends lots of time in Steamboat! These pictures are in no particular order... They're all from different cameras. :) Enjoy!

Elizabeth's first time out in the snow. She wasn't quite sure what to do with it... :)

On the way home from DFW. Michelle was stuck in the back seat with all the luggage since Dustin headed back to College Station from the airport.

During the entire flight home, Elizabeth fought sleep. Luckily she was happy for all of the flight, except for about 10 minutes when she wanted me, but I was busy. As soon as we touched down, she fell asleep and slept through 3 changes of hands, walking through the loud airport, and getting on and off a shuttle. She was all tuckered out!

Waiting to board the plane in Hayden, CO

Beautiful blue eyes!

This tag is so much fun!

me and Aunt Michelle

playing under the coffee table

Hmm... can I get Uncle Dustin's hat?

I can, I can!!

Reaching for the remote
I got it!

I love looking out the window!

These next pictures go along with the first time in the snow pictures... They're taken with a different camera. :)

Snow angle

First attempt at trying snow...
licking Daddy's fingers instead

This stuff is pretty cold!

Steve, the photographer. 

Michelle snowboarding

Dustin and Alan on the ski lift


Who would've thought... decent Mexican food in CO!

Us on the slopes

Asleep on the shuttle to the condo

We're here!

In the DFW airport

DFW airport

Monday, December 26, 2011

9 Months Old!


I can't believe that in just 3 short months you will be a one year old! This year is just flying by way too fast. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time as it is, but it has been so much fun to see how you're growing and changing every day! You got to celebrate your first Christmas this month. You didn't exactly understand what all was going on, but you sure had fun! Daddy and I can't wait to be able to teach you the real reason for Christmas - Jesus' birth! You loved playing with your Little People Nativity set. It is such a great way to introduce Jesus' birthday to you. Daddy and I love you so much! We can't wait to see what this next month has in store for you.

Mommy and Daddy

Weight: 16 pounds, 4.5 ounces

Length: 28 inches

Diaper size: Size 3

Teeth: Still no teeth...

Clothes size: You're wearing 6-12 months, 9 months, and even some 12 months clothes!

Sleep: You go to sleep pretty much right at 7 (after your last bottle of the evening). Most of the time you'll sleep until 6:30-7, but there are times you wake up earlier. Sometimes you'll go back to sleep, depending on what time you wake up for your bottle. Mommy likes when you go back to sleep!

Favorite activities/things: Sitting up, crawling, pulling up, trying to stand without help, your Little People Nativity set, playing with the ornaments on the tree, watching Giggle Bellies, and so much more!

Eating: You take either 4 or 5 bottles a day, depending on if you decide you're hungry early. You also eat breakfast around 8, lunch around noon, and dinner at 6. You've started refusing all baby food, unless it's oatmeal mixed with the banana drinkable yogurt. You absolutely love steak, it's just so crazy to me that a little one without any teeth can eat table food, much less steak. You also love crackers, cheese, any other meat, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Elizabeth, you're not too fond of fruits. I don't know if it's because they're too slippery for you to keep in your mouth, but any time I give you apples or bananas, you end up spitting them out.

Nicknames: Sweet Pea, Miss E, Lizzie, Little Bit

Talking: You're still very talkative. You make "p," "ma," "da," "ba", and "ga" sounds. You've started stringing them together and are just so proud when you hear yourself talk!

New adventures: Nothing too new this month, aside from going out to eat and actually getting food from the restaurant!!

New Skills: Not too much new here... just perfecting the skills learned last month!

Our photo shoot was a little later than normal this month due to the Christmas holidays and traveling. It's getting a little chilly to take pictures outside, but we still managed to get some cute ones!

Because standing
is so much cooler
than sitting!

getting some grass

I got some!

I wonder if I can eat this!?

Right after I took the last picture, E tried to put the grass in her mouth. I quickly put the camera down so that I could stop that from happening. :)