Monday, January 18, 2016

Christmas Part Two

We went to Abilene the next afternoon to celebrate Christmas with Alan's family. Unfortunately, my camera died, so I didn't get to take more than one or two pictures. My sweet mother-in-law did, so I'll be able to add pictures at a later point.

We had a great time visiting with Grammie and PawPaw! Grammie watched the big kids at night and Alan and I actually got to catch up on some sleep! RJ did a great job sleeping in her pack and play and was a dream to get down/stay down at night! I even snuck in a nap during the day on Saturday. We were able to head back to College Station feeling rested and refreshed!

The big kids loved playing with all their toys, especially the Legos!

I can't wait to see the pictures the Debbie took and share them with you all.

Christmas Part One...

With all the traveling we were planning on doing, we celebrated Christmas as a family December 17. The kids had a blast opening presents! We did it in the evening, so sweet Rebekah was ready for bed, but the big kids loved all the craziness. Alan and I have decided to give the kids four presents each - something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. Elizabeth really got the concept of that this year and was kept asking what category each present fell into.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Rebekah Jo is Three Months Old!

Rebekah Jo-
You are three months old now! That's 1/4 of a year old. My how time is going by fast! Your little personality is slowly starting to emerge and we couldn't be any more in love with you. The entire family adores you, especially your big brother and big sister! They always want to be right there with you and it is absolutely precious to see just how much they love you. I can't wait to see what the next month brings!


Weight: 12.5 pounds. Right on track with your big brother!

Length: Somewhere between 24-25 inches

Diaper size: Size 2

Teeth: Not yet!

Clothes size: You moved into 3-6 month and 6 month clothes about 10 days before you turned 3 months old. You seem to be really long (you get that from your Daddy)!

Sleep: You are still sleeping great at night! You nurse and go down for the night between 7:30-8:00, we do a dream feed around 10:00, you wake up between 2:45-5:45, then go back to sleep. You typically wake up for the day between 7:15-7:45. There have been a couple rare nights that you sleep until 7ish, but for the most part you still wake up once at night. I'll count that as a win! You still aren't the greatest napper, but at least you're sleeping well at night!

Favorite activities/things: Sleeping, wiggling, smiling, talking, and eating. :)

Eating: You eat every 2-3 hours during the day, and once at night.

Nicknames: Punkin' bear, Little Bit, RJ

Talking: You are quite the talker! You've started to add in some consonants, mainly "g," but I've also heard "b" a couple times.

New adventures: We traveled to Abilene, Texarkana, and Houston for Christmas! You are quite the champ in the car. Most of the trips we only had to stop once to feed you and you slept the rest of the way!

New Skills: You can roll over from your back to belly. You are also so close to rolling belly to back. However, you still aren't a HUGE fan of being put down, so you don't get as much practice as you probably should...