Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

I am fully aware that I am more than a month behind in my blogging... Hopefully in the next week or so I can get everything updated and then stay blogging at regular intervals (how many times have I said that in the last year or so!?)! Of course, I'll still be missing some pictures from my Dad's camera, but that is pretty normal for me... Ha.

I hope that everyone is having a blessed 4th of July! We are just hanging out at home today, playing outside and eating chili dogs for dinner! Can't wait! I attempted to get some pictures of my two little firecrackers today. A few of them turned out pretty cute, but some were more so the "normal" everyday life. :)

D didn't want E's arm around his shoulders


Enjoying a special snack for taking pictures...

E is ALWAYS in D's truck...

... and D prefers E's pink car...

I think we need a blue tricycle!

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