Thursday, December 18, 2014

Baking with Santa

It's been way too long since I've last been here. And a lot has happened! We've traveled to see both sets of parents, went to Oklahoma for my sister's graduation (for the record, 9 1/2 hours in the car with two small kids is not the most fun... But seeing Michelle graduate was definitely worth it!), had Thanksgiving, and perhaps, most importantly, visited Santa!

For those that remember, this is how our visit with Santa started out last year...

Elizabeth ignored Santa for quite a while before warming
up to him...

And David just wasn't having
the man in the red suit...

So I was a bit nervous on how this year was going to turn out. Luckily, they both loved Santa! Phew... We did baking with Santa and the kids had a blast rolling out the dough, cutting cookies, and even eating a few! David has started sticking his tongue out a lot, so we got some priceless photos of that, which is a bit hilarious. Any time we'd say "smile" he'd stick that tongue right out.